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Make Money Online- the baby steps part 8

First things first, online success is a lot more elusive than most people realize. Making money online is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme. You need to run an online business in much the same structured and disciplined manner you would run any other business in order to succeed. It is hard work. It takes time and effort. It´s by no means an easy road to riches. Having said that there are a number of reasons that we feel very strongly that creating an internet business can be incredibly beneficial for most budding entrepreneurs. We strongly feel that the internet will continue to grow at a high rate. We believe there is a lot more to the internet revolution ahead of us, we simply ain´t seen nothing yet. Making money online has some benefits. The world is truly your oyster. You can leverage your work in ways previously unimaginable, and adopting an “economies of scale”-mindset comes naturally. The costs of doing business are neglectible, the time to market is shorter, the costs of market reasearch are low, you can work from home or from any other location you deem fit. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

You have now set up your first very own WordPress website, one baby step at a time. Since the structure of your site is now in place, you can now focus even more on filling it with great content. Your work has reached a new phase, and you will be anxious to see some results from all your hard work and sweat. More often than not, chances are that you will be dissappointed with the progress your website will make, and the lackluster visitor numbers may demoralize you. But don´t despear, things are often not as gloomy as they seem, and a portion of moderate online success is just around the next corner. The trick is to get to that corner, and not loose your enthusiasm in the process. Let us tell you what to expect. It probably isn´t what you want to hear, but it is the truth, and since we always try to tell it like it is you should expect a “no holds barred” type of description. Here it is. The truth about making money online. What to expect, how to handle it, and what to avoid.

1. There are no short-cuts.  There are no easy and fast ways to online riches. There are seasoned veterans that can shorten the process, but they have often payed dearly for their particular knowledge and skill set. Anybody that tries to “help you out” by providing links to the latest tools or products they claim will lead to quick online success is probably trying to sell you something. As a matter of fact, there are hardly any websites or online guides dealing with making money online, that do not have hundreds of afffiliate links. Every time they “help you out” by providing you with a link to a “must-have” tool, plugin or internet marketing course you need to understand that they are getting paid by the click. Moreover, they are getting paid more money for some products and tools than others. In many cases they are even secretly promoting their own products, plugins, tools, educational products, and services. If you do a keyword search you will quickly discover that this segment of the internet market is so lucrative you will be pressed to find unbiased information with no hidden agendas. This is one of the many reasons we here at www.Richopedia.com opted to write this guide for making money online. You will find a great many links to tools and products in this guide. You will however not find a single affiliate link. We are not getting paid. The products and tools we recommend or link to do not make us any money. We simply provide them for your benefit. We use most of them. They have served us well. We truly hope and believe that they can bring you online success, and help you out in your quest to make money online. There is a lot of garbage out there, and a number of internet marketers are not looking out for your best interest. Buyer beware!

2. Focus on value- not money. It has been our experience that many successful real-life entrepreneurs often do really well when they try their luck by growing an online business. We often wondered why this was the case. After many years of pondering this question we have concluded that they approach business, whether it be in real life or online, with a particular mind-set. They are not primarily looking to make money. They are in it for the long term. They are looking to provide value. They are looking to constantly improve the experience of their customers or visitors. They are building a business based on long-term relationships rather than short-term profits. And by doing this, they are very often successful online, at least in the long run. Everybody loves a great deal. There isn´t a man alive that doesn´t appreciate value for money, quality, honesty, integrity and fair play in business. It´s a paradox, but my experience is that those businessmen that have done the very best online have been the ones that have focused the least on getting paid or making money. They have provided value, at a more than fair price. And the world has beaten a path to their door. It took some of them quite a few years, but the road-map seems pretty straightforward. Forget about the money. Make great work. Affect people´s lives. Make their day a better one. Focus on providing and you shall receive. Focus on the customer, and the money will follow.

3. Get started, evaluate and improve. Creating and maintaning a website can seem an overwhelming task, especially if you are new to the concept. What you need to understand is that it is a process, not an event. You should look upon your online business as a marathon, not a 100 meter dash. Start immediately, start from where you stand. Don´t procrastinate. Make it happen. The time will never be just right. The time to act is now. So what if your site is not perfect off the bat? It´s a marathon, remember? There will always be time to improve. Once you have started, time will be your ally. Just remember to spend your time wisely. Improve on your website on a continual basis. Keep adding great content. Keep adding neat features. Keep improving the visitor´s experience. Understand what your customers want and give it to them. Evaluate and improve. Forget about the goal, make your journey a pleasant one and invite your customers and visitors along for the ride. In most instances they will happily accept your invite.

4. Content, backlinks and page rank. You will need to put some serious content in place before you experience a considerable amount of traffic. This content need to be unique, of high quality and beneficial for your visitors. When it comes to making money online, content is truly king. Without it you will be lost. Once the content is in place you will start to see some improved page ranking for your website. Also, the number of links to your site will start to seriously take off. This is all good. You should actively try to improve your page rank and there are several ways to work on this, but ultimately content is what drives visitors to your site. A mean SEO game could bring you to the top, but in order to stay there, or capitalize from the experience you also need relevant, unique quality content. Content is what makes people link to your site. Quality content means quality traffic and as far as we are concerned, content will always be king.

5. Persistance and time equals traffic. It takes time to build traffic. Even if you get it all right, even if you are a SEO master, even if you have loads of content of the highest quality it will take time. Ultimately, the verdict of the internet is usually both objective and fair. Providing you have great content and provide value to your visitors you will get traffic. People will start linking to your site. Your page rank will gradually improve. People will recommend your site to their friends. Your page rank will go up even more. You keep adding great content, time passes by and your visitor base steadily increases. Your ability to make money online is in direct proportion to your visitor base. Let us rephrase that; the more traffic you have, the more money you will make. There are lots of ways to monetize a well-trafficked website. Making money online once you have the visitors is nto particularly hard. Getting the visitors is the name of the game. Whether you choose to go with affiliate programs, selling your own products, selling ad space or any other method, just keep in mind that your visitors hold the keys to your kingdom. Never sacrifice customer satisfaction or visitor experience for a quick buck. Always put your customer first. If you do, you just might find that the profits will take care of themselves.

There it is. The truth about what to expect. Still not satisfied? Don´t worry, we´ve got you covered. In our next part of the guide we will give you a pretty exact timeline of what to expect once you embark on the bumpy road of becoming an internet entrepreneur. Go straight to the next part of our guide “Make Money Online- the baby steps part 9″ in order to see what lies ahead of you. As always, we tell it like it is. No BS. No hype. Just the plain unadultered truth.



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