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Passion. A great man once said that “Nothing great in this world has ever been achieved without passion” (It was the german philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel). We know he speaks the truth. Passion is what drives us forward. passion is what keeps us going once we experience a bump in the road. Passion will get you where pure discipline will not be able to. If you truly want to accomplish something do not ask yourself how to do it. Instead begin by asking yourself why? Why is more important than how. The “why” is what makes you tick. The “why” is what it´s all about, what it all boils down to. It´s your ultimate motivation, the reason you should pursue something. That is why a powerful “why is so important. If you ask yourself why you want something your brain will start a beautiful process and the end result of that process will be a keen desire. That keen desire will give you all the neccessary energy to get what you are aking for. When the energy is in place you can ask yourself how it should be done. Chances are you will find the answer to the question “how” a lot easier once you´ve answered the “why”. The “why” will give you a dream, a goal, a vision, and a powerful will to accomplish. It is our experience that if you only have the “why” covered the how tends to take care of itself. If you have a strong burning desire to succed at something, more ofthen than not you will find a way to succeed. Put another way; if you only answer the “why” the “how” tends to take care of itself. In business motivation and burning desire beats knowledge and intelligence nine times out of ten.
Also, you will need the passion to be able to pick youself up from disasters that happen along the way. Disasters will happen. We hope they won´t, that you will be spared. but our experience, and the experience of most entrepreneurs we ever talked to is that they do occur from time to time. The trick is not in trying to eliminate them completely. The trick is to learn to roll with the punches. Take the pain, learn from it and move on. Nothing to see here. Just a minor disaster. It´s all part of the game. But to be able to deal with unfortunate events you must have a major dose of passion in your sould and a burning desire in your belly. You see, that´s what will keep you from quitting. That is what will enable you to stare defeat in the face and refuse to accept it. There are other ways, but only the persistant ones will be able to find them. Only the ones with the eye of the tiger may use them. Only those who refuse to stand down will in the end be the ones standing proudly in front of their accomplishments. The biggest rewards in life often require sacrifices. Those sacrifices can only be endured by those who are extremely motivated. Those individuals who understand that the pain is temporary, but quitting lasts a lifetime. Those are the ones that will emerge victorious in the end. And those are the ones who once asked the question “why” and went on to use the answers to that question to fuel their desire. Always ask yourself why first. Once you have an emphatical answer to the “why” in place the how will usually take care of itself. Show us a winner in any field, any sport or any skill set and we will show you a person who has a detailed answer to the question “why”. They are not winners by chance. They are winners because they instilled a burning desire at one point in their life and that burning desire is fueling their strive to be the best they can be. They are willing to rise early, work harder than they thought possible, think of little else. And then go repeat the process the next day. Winners know why they are doing it all. And ultimately that is all that matters to them. The why.
Singleness of purpose. Successful entrepreneurs usually are a bit obsessed by their enterprise and what they are trying to achieve. This one might prove a bit hard to digest for some. We are not saying that you must adhere strictly to this point we are making. We are simply saying that most, if not all great entrepreneurs have this specific characteristic. It is often a part of who they are. They think about their business day and night. They will work on their business all day and all night. And when they are not working with it, they susally end up thinking about it. That´s one of the main reasons that many great entrepreneurs will claim that their respective others were a major part in their success. You need an understanding wife or husband if you are going to obsess over something. And most entrepreneurs obsess.
To some extent this annoying habit is also one of the major factors behind their success. If you think about little else, the risk of failure is decimated to a fraction. This is not only the case for entrepreneurs. It is the same for any endeavour. If you can think of nothing else, you tend to work your butt off. And since you are working your butt off for the better part of each day for a large number of days magical things tend to happen. How could they not? If you are busy realizing your dreams and visions, setbacks and misfortunes are irrelevant. If you are 100 percent focused on your long-term goal nothing can touch you. If you won´t take no for an answer, nothing can stop you. If your life
They simply want it more than the others. And there is little they aren´t prepared to do in order to get it done.
Know thyself. We all have strengths and weaknesses. It is immensely important that you are aware of those strengths and weaknesses. Particularly your weaknesses. Whenever you see yourself enter a habit that is connected to the weaknesses your particular personality type posseses you need to be able to short-circuit it right then and there. Cut your weaknesses short. But let your strengths run. Chances are you are already aware of what personality type you are. Or at the very least you have heard of the concept. Or maybe somebody once mentioned Briggs-Meyer to you. Maybe you´ve done one of the gazillion different personality type tests that are available for a “small fee”. Each of these tests claim to be unique and superior to the others but we have found the marketing and hype around each test to be less than honest. Truth is they are all pretty good at conveying the the information that is neccessary. They all aply the same principles, and most of them are based on the same research. Just do one or several of them and learn more about your personality type. It is time well spent. You don´t even have to pay for it. Many of these tests can be found for free on the internet. There is tons of information about the different personality types, and if you are only honest to yourself, chances are you are going to recognize yourself in one of the personality types once you start reading about them.
Now, according to the general Briggs-Meyer research there are 16 different personality types. As you might know by now, being a certain personality type is neither good nor bad. They all have strengths and weaknesses. The trick is to be aware of what personality type you are (or types since most of us are a combination of different classes) and to try to fight your weaknesses and develop and set free your strengths. Regardless of what personality type you are, the test conclusion will be that you are a fantastic person with a bright future. That´s one of the beauties of the Briggs-Meyer theories. We are all great, or rather, we all have the potential to be great. Of course, that greatness can take on a number of different shapes and styles. And while each personality type has the potential to be a fantastic and amazing person, we have found that there are some personality types that have a stronger likelihood of becoming rich and successful (in the material sense of the word). Do you think we are shallow? Well, this site is about getting rich, what did you expect?
There are a total of 16 different personality types. You need to understand what makes those personality types “tick” and how to spot them easily. If you are able to do that, you will find that business is a lot more smoother and profitable than you expected. Even in this age, most forms of business still boil down to a precious few personal meetings. If you can quickly size up the other individuals around the table you are more likely to be able to decipher what they are thinking behind their business “poker faces”. That kind of knowledge is priceless. Apart from the personality type it may also be helpful to know how many siblings an individual has and where he or she fits in in the order of those siblings.